
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration



February 13, 2020


I made a decision that will forever impact my life.

I gave my Heavenly Father my complete yes.

All chips on the table. This is it.


Right before midway debrief here in Guatemala, God told me I was going to get baptized before I left.

Honestly, I questioned Him. I asked if He was sure about it because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make a commitment that big.


I wrestled with it and here’s what I came to.



I’ve been scared for a long time to get baptized because what if I changed my mind? What if following God wasn’t for me? What will people think? How will they react? Is this a commitment I really want to make? I always felt like I should get baptized, but those questions came up every time I would watch someone else get baptized.


I was content with where I was at with the Lord, I was okay with just knowing parts of Him… until Guatemala. 

The base staff here in Guatemala are incredible. I watched them selflessly pour themselves out to us from the first day we got here and every day after. They didn’t even know us, yet all they did was speak truth into us, speak life into us, tell us who Jesus says we are, and so much more. I have watched them day after day after day walk in truth and walk lead by the Spirit. 


That was it. 

Something changed.

I got hungry.

I wanted more.


I wanted what they had. I’d never seen people like them, who weren’t scared of speaking truth, who boldly walk in the Spirit, and who are always asking what the Lord says about people 24/7.

I knew that they knew who Jesus was. They didn’t just know parts of Him, but they all have deep, intimate relationships with the Father. 

I wanted to know all of Him and not just parts. So I asked Him to open my eyes to things I’ve never noticed before. 

I wanted to know Him intimately because the more time you spend with someone, the more you know them.

I dug into my bible.

I started waking up at 5 am.

Why? Because I just wanted to sit and spend time with my Papa.

The staff here spoke so much truth over me and that lead me to sit with the Lord one day and ask Him what He says about me.

With that I stepped into my true identity in Christ. 


I realized I’m not going to change my mind. I can be having the worst week of my life and that doesn’t change how good God is. 

He’s always good, He’s always next to me, He’s always fighting for me.

Following God is for me. In fact, I don’t want anything else. 

Nothing else on this earth satisfies. 

It doesn’t matter what people think. The only thing that matters is what God calls me and I know what He calls me and no one can change that. 

Yes, this is a commitment I want to make. I don’t want to make any other commitment to anything else. Why would I not want to say yes?



So I put the fear aside and said “Alright Lord, let’s do it… together. I know your character and I know you’re good. I’m giving you my yes. All of it. 100%. This is me giving you permission to do whatever you want to do in my life. If you say go, I’m going. If you say speak, I’m talking. If you say sit, I’m resting in you. I trust you with my life and this is me being obedient to what you have called me to.”


Being baptized was my obedience to what He has called me to, a life lived by intimately knowing Him. 

It was me giving Him my complete yes.

It was me saying, I’m no longer alive to me, but I’m alive to Him.

My yes is on the table. All my chips are in.

He has full permission over my life.

If I’m going anywhere, I’m going with Him.

Why would I not want to make this commitment?

I’ve tasted and seen and I can’t go back.


Thanks God, for being so good, all the time. 





11 responses to “Giving Him my Yes”

  1. Yessss! Congratulations!! Best decision you’ll ever make! What a blessing to get to spend time with the Guatemala team- they rock. Soak it all up while you can!

  2. bro literally, barely any words. I am so. so. proud. of. you. Look at the BEAUTIFUL story Abba is writing for you. RADICAL LOVING/LIVING/OBEDIENCE. you blow me away. your hunger is inspiring. your devotion is breathtaking. Jesus is so so good and so so proud to call you His, and you own that. DUDE. what good news. gah. – ????

  3. I love this!

    “He’s always good, He’s always next to me, He’s always fighting for me.”

    You are worth it and amazing!
    Get ready to pioneer!

  4. You’re an inspiration to many.
    God bless you as you go forward in this journey of obedience and faith!

  5. Guatemala I LOVE YOU! Can not wait to meet all of these wonderful people who have poured into you and your squad. Your YES is a testimony to all those on the fence to commit and love Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This is what I have been praying for since you were born sweet and wonderful daughter.